Build a Custom DTF Transfers and UVDTF Gang Sheet today!

We offer a wide variety of sizes and prices when it comes to our DTF and UVDTF Gang Sheets.

Want to email your file instead?

➤ Go ahead and check out you can click add to cart above or click here.

➤ Ensure your sheet is print-ready, Make sure the DPI is high (300 is considered perfect), no overlapping, The width of the sheet is 22 inches, etc. We are not responsible for any reprints if it is submitted incorrectly. If we happen to catch any mistakes we will email you back but this will affect your TAT. Click here to learn how to save images in CANVA correctly.

➤ Once you get an order #, email your submission file to with the order # in the subject line.

Price list DTF Transfers

DTF Gang Sheets

UV DTF Gang Sheets

How to make your own Gang Sheet.